Wishing you a very Merry Christmas
In assembly on Monday, I showed the children this year’s John Lewis Christmas advert featuring a little girl called Ava and a dragon called Edgar. The short clip features many messages about the spirit of Christmas and the values that we promote at Hatherop. If you have not had a chance to see it, I would certainly recommend it.

The overriding message from this video is one of generosity and showing people you care. Christmas is certainly a time when we all have the opportunity to be generous. However, in a world of consumerism and commercialisation, the word generosity can get distorted by the giving of presents. The more expensive or lavish the present, the more generous the giver is being. In my view, nothing could be further from the truth.
I spoke to the children about how generosity is not necessarily linked to money or possession and can be interpreted in many ways. For example, one could be generous with their time, such as pay someone a visit or pick up the phone to speak to someone. Sometimes we have to think creatively to achieve this. Ava in the video wanted to show Edgar she cared and that he can be appreciated by the community. At the end of the advert, when Edgar was upset, Ava presented Edgar with a Christmas pudding which he could share with the community. This generosity was then passed on by the community.

Taking the time to consider or think about someone less fortunate is a generous act. This is something I want our children to do more of, particularly at a time when we can easily take for granted everything we are lucky enough to have.
I am so proud to say that our Hatherop pupils have all been acting generously over the past few weeks. Projects such as the Shoe Box appeal organized by our Prep 7s and food parcels collected and packaged by the School Council and delivered to the food bank in Cirencester. A group of children visited the Salvation Army to provide food and toys for families less fortunate and our Prep 8 choir visited and sung carols at Hyperion Care Home in Fairford. These are all small but important acts of generosity.

As we draw another busy term to a close at Hatherop, I have been reflecting on the many events, activities and occasions we have enjoyed this term which have only been made possible due largely to the generosity of our wonderful Hatherop community. It is generosity like this which burns brightly at Hatherop.
On behalf of the staff I would like to wish you all a very happy, joyous and festive Christmas season and look forward to seeing you all in January.