Spring has sprung in the Nursery

Last week the activities were based around the story of The Ugly Duckling. The children began by making their own duck family finger puppets, including the ugly duckling and beautiful paper plate swans. They decided to create a show using their puppets; props were needed and searched out, rehearsals began and a final performance was put on for Mrs Male and Miss Evans.



We made duck headbands to wear on our “foraging” walk around the grounds, hunting for natural materials to create miniature duck ponds. The children carefully selected the bits and pieces to put in their gardens and added bugs, flowers and washing-lines!


Our cooking activity this week was biscuits, which had to be ducks! The children had sticky fun decorating their goodies with bright yellow icing and sparkly wings. They created pond scenes on paper plates for their ducks to travel home.


The children made beautiful fir-cone Swans and handprint duck pictures. The week ended with a walk to Coln village to feed the ducks and jump in the puddles!

This week we are focusing on the Tale of Peter Rabbit and Mr McGregor’s Garden. We have been busy stamping with vegetables, as well as using our hands and feet to print carrot pictures.

Yesterday, we planted chives and created some vegetable-patch collages, today we have been kneading dough in order to bake Peter Rabbit bread and tomorrow the fun continues when the children will be tasting vegetables whilst blindfolded!