PE & Sport – ‘What Lies Ahead’
In PE it isn’t always easy to show pupils where they have made a mistake, so this year we are going to implement the use of technology in PE and games to show how skills have been performed, playing this footage back to the children to analyse strengths and weaknesses within their lessons.
I hope this new approach will be effective, than simply explaining to pupils where they went wrong. This helps to cater for the ‘different style of learner’. It encourages the children to fully engage in the task and take ownership on what they need to do in order to develop. These devices are a great way of doing immediate video analysis. This allows more effective recording and assessment, which is not always easy in a non-written subject, which can be tracked to ensure sustained progress and attainment. It is a great way to set targets and assess for future learning regardless of the child’s ability.
There are a few more changes to the curriculum this term. Prep 6 will learn how to play Handball. This is a game played at a fast pace, with the emphasis on good hand to eye co-ordination and spatial awareness. One of which is really important, especially in rugby and hockey.
Meanwhile in girl’s games, hockey lessons have commenced this week where they have been preparing for their first lot of matches in 2 weeks’ time. They are currently having some training sessions at a local Astroturf to get some practise whilst our own astro is being built.
It’s exciting to see the astro being built and the girls and staff are looking forward to hosting matches at HCS after half term. It is a busy term for matches, festivals and tournaments and we hope the girls will learn new and improve their current skills, and compete to the best of their ability in matches.
Please can we remind parents that children MUST have a gum shield and shin pads to be able to take part in lessons and matches.
It is great to see so many of the children in their new kit. The staff have also been showing of their kit which looks fantastic!
Nigel Bailey (Head of Sport)