Pastoral Care at Hatherop Castle
Over the next six months we are excited to be working with the Anti Bullying Alliance and their All Together programme. Our aim is to work towards gaining the All Together School status by February 2020.
What is the Anti-Bullying Alliance?
The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) is a coalition of organisations and individuals who work together to achieve their vision to stop bullying. They aim to create safer environments in which children and young people can live, grow, play and learn. Their objectives are to raise the profile of bullying and the effect it has on the lives of children and young people. They strive to create a climate in which everyone agrees that bullying is unacceptable and to make sure that teachers, youth practitioners, parents, carers, children and young people have the skills and knowledge to address bullying effectively.
The All Together Programme
The All Together Programme is ABA’s whole-school anti-bullying programme for schools in England. The overall aim of the programme is to establish All Together Schools, schools that have evidenced their work to reduce bullying of all pupils. The programme includes a special focus on reducing bullying of disabled children and those with SEN, but aims to reduce bullying of all children and young people. Schools who are able to evidence the improvements they have made over the course of the programme will be awarded ‘All Together School’ status and receive a logo they can use along with a certificate.
What we are doing at Hatherop
At Hatherop we want to promote positive relationship amongst our children and do all we can to promote Anti-Bullying across the whole school. We hope to involve parents as well as children and staff in this and with this aim in mind we have included a tool kit for parents to access which discusses in detail what bullying is, how it can affect young people and what can be done to prevent it.
We are also looking forward to working towards the ABA Anti-Bullying Week in November. The theme this year is Change Starts With Us and identifies that small change can make a big difference. Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life well in to adulthood. By making small, simple changes, we can break this cycle and create a safe environment for everyone. Because together, we can challenge bullying.
By creating partnerships across the whole school and with our parents we hope that the small steps we can take as a community at Hatherop can make a whole world of difference to the lives of our children. It all starts with a conversation and with working together.