“Mathematics is the music of reason”
Our maths lessons today have been filled with fun and excitement as the whole school tackled a variety of maths activities provided by the NSPCC Number Day team. With Buddy, the Speak Out Stay Safe Mascot watching on, children tackled a variety of challenges with great energy.

Pre-Prep had lots of fun playing with numbers, with a Numicon based Snakes and Ladders game proving particularly popular. Prep 1 created some beautiful flowers using shapes to represent different numbers. Prep 2 were fascinated with finding their pulse and then counting their heart beats for 30 seconds. They also investigated how to fill flower beds with equal Numicon shapes as well saving bees by using their knowledge of times tables.
Prep School
In the Prep school, pupils loved tackling Buddy’s Key Challenge, putting their excellent maths skills to use to solve the number-based clues and put Buddy’s key back together. Teamwork skills were essential when undertaking the ‘Who wants to be a Mathionaire’ quiz, with some determined and competitive maths being completed.
It has been wonderful to see the whole school enjoying maths in so many different ways and discovering that they can have lots of fun with maths. We hope that we have also raised greater awareness for the work that the NSPCC do to keep children safe and would remind you that you can follow the link below if you would like to donate to the NSPCC.