“Look, I have got dinosaur feet in my lunchbox!”

Transition’s school trip had finally arrived, the classroom was buzzing with excitement. 24 children were full of anticipation of what the day had in store for them.  Amidst the thrill of the bus journey “I can see the whole world from here! Look I can see Uncle Stuart in Singapore!” The children were playing I-spy and talking about the contents of their lunchboxes.  “My mummy made my bread for me and put bacon in it!”

The coach finally reached its destination, Batsford Arboretum, where we were greeted by a lively and enthusiastic Forest School Leader.  Our adventure began with a treasure hunt to find different woodland animals, followed by a delightful dig for mini-beasts using bug tweezers, magnifying glasses and bug viewers.  Transition were amazed by the mud kitchen and were totally engaged in making their different cuisines, one of which included a very yummy garlic and herb spaghetti!

If the activity filled morning was not pleasurable enough; the delight on all the children’s faces was for all to see when lunchtime finally arrived.  The opening of their lunchboxes and flowing conversations surrounding what was in them was a total joy. 

Our visit concluded with a luxurious walk around the Arboretum.  Cascading waterfalls, bubbling streams and even an unusual tree called the Handkerchief Tree, founded in China, just stunning to the eye.   The children carried their buckets with pride, collecting all manner of ‘treasures’ to take home to share with mummy and daddy.

A truly wonderful day was had by all which resulted in most of Transition sleeping on our coach journey home.

Hatherop Castle, Batsford Arboretum