Languages at Hatherop Castle
Languages and Global citizenship are seen as an essential part of an all encompassing education at Hatherop Castle School. We have specialist language staff who teach French and Spanish across the school. French is introduced in weekly sessions in the Nursery and continued through fun and engaging lessons in French and Spanish to Reception and beyond.

In the lower School, Modern Foreign Language lessons introduce the functional phrases needed for meeting people; shopping, visiting restaurants and expressing likes and dislikes. In the middle and Upper School, in addition to preparing for Common Entrance Exams, lessons provide the opportunity to make the most of family holidays, such as giving instructions, directions, describing people and places. We also discover more about culture – exploring famous stories, poetry and art.

Once in the Upper School, students are offered a place on the school French trip (This year a group went to Paris to soak up the sights and chat with the locals – read more about it here)

We regularly have visitors from France, Spain and Italy and further afield. This enables our lessons to come to life and enhances a further cultural element to life at the Castle.