Ensuring a smooth transition to ‘big school’
A smooth transition into Reception ensures that all children are excited, confident and ready for the move into ‘big school’.
At Hatherop Castle, our final year of Nursery is called ‘Transition’ for just this reason. The children are introduced to the Pre-Prep teachers and children frequently, and in a variety of situations. Weekly playtimes are shared between the Pre-Prep and Nursery children, where relationships between all ages of children are fostered and encouraged. ‘Stay and Play’ sessions help the children to become comfortable in the Reception classrooms and Stable yard, and allow them to meet the Pre-Prep members of staff.
Specialist teachers visit and teach in the Nursery, and these lessons continue into the Pre-Prep. The EYFS Christmas production is always a fantastic end to the Michaelmas term, and an opportunity for the Nursery children to begin their dramatic and musical endeavours at Hatherop! Children joining Reception from other settings are encouraged to attend ‘Stay and Play’ sessions, and to meet their new classmates and teachers on a fortnightly basis.
Reception teachers also visit these settings to get to know the new children and create relationships before the new academic year starts. This range of transition opportunities means that the start of Reception is smooth and effective, and children settle into school life quickly and confidently. We are hosting a Pre-Prep Open Morning on Thursday 2nd January to come and see what life in Pre-Prep is really like. Email admissions@hatheropcastle.co.uk for more information.