Guess how much I love you?

Feb half term – Valentine’s week

This week the Holiday Club children have been busy with activities based around the story “Guess how much I love you”, which has linked well with Valentine’s Day.

We started off making salt-dough candle holders in the shape of hearts and decorated them with sparkly gems. The heart theme continued; we made Valentine’s Dream-catchers and had fun exploring a variety of materials to create heart collages.

Following on from the story, it was a group effort to paint our giant Nutbrown Hares for the story display. We had a discussion about how much we love our friends and families. It didn’t take much thinking about and their ideas were used in Valentine’s Day cards:

Charlotte said, “I love you straight up to space”.

Oscar added, “I love you all the way up to the rainbow and back”.

Whilst Blossom insisted, “I love you with all of my heart”.

Valentine’s Day has been very busy! The children made glittery toilet tube Love Bugs and got messy making and decorating delicious chocolate truffles.

…and it’s only Wednesday!