Five ways private school can help your child catch up after lockdown
Over the past six months, school closures have disrupted the education of thousands of primary-aged children. While teachers have worked hard to maintain as good an experience for their pupils as possible, distance learning has varied widely from school to school, and parents have struggled to juggle working from home with supporting their children’s schoolwork.

If you are concerned that your child’s education has stalled during lockdown, and are wondering about the continuing impact of the pandemic on schools, it may be worth exploring what a private school could offer. A common misconception is that private education is only for the very wealthy, but there are plenty of schools that provide an exceptionally good education without charging exorbitant fees. It may be more affordable than you realise and a valuable investment in your child’s future.
Here we look at five ways a private school can get children back on track after lockdown and re-engaged with their learning.

Small class sizes with no mixed year groups
Anyone worried that their child might have fallen behind needs to be confident their teacher has time to assess where they are and identify any areas requiring a boost. Small classes make this achievable. Teachers have the flexibility to build in extra support in subjects a child finds harder, or stretch them in areas where they are more able. In a smaller class of pupils, there is no danger of anyone coasting along unnoticed without reaching their full potential, and keeping a class to a single year group means learning is targeted and relevant.
In addition, Hatherop Castle Prep School has individualised learning sessions built into the curriculum, allowing staff to further tailor teaching to the child. It offers another opportunity to focus on areas where a child might have lost ground, or explore something completely new that excites their interest.

High quality specialist teachers
Being taught by high quality subject experts will make a huge difference to your child’s experience. Along with a deeper understanding of their subject, teachers with a specialism bring an increased enthusiasm to their lessons, which in turn captures the children’s interest and engagement. At Hatherop Castle Prep School, children are taught by specialist teachers in English, Maths and Science, as well as Languages, Sport, Art and Music.

A full curriculum
While some state schools have been forced to return in September with a restricted range of subjects, most private schools will be providing a full curriculum, including Humanities, Sport, Languages, Music and Art. We feel strongly that access to a broad curriculum, beyond the core subjects, is hugely important to every child’s development, and increases their enjoyment of school.

Distance learning
At Hatherop Castle Prep School, we ran a comprehensive distance learning programme throughout school closures, with timetables, live lessons where possible, assemblies and form time. In general, the contract between private schools and their parents has guaranteed a high quality of distance learning. If future lockdowns become necessary, Hatherop Castle Prep School is ready to roll these out again quickly, limiting the impact on both children and their parents.

As lockdown measures were relaxed in June, Hatherop Prep was able to move quickly and re-opened to all years before the summer holidays. Private schools tend to have the physical space and smaller class sizes which allows them to manage the Government guidelines more easily. It is worth bearing in mind, in case further school closures become necessary.

If you would like to find out more about how Hatherop Castle Prep School can help your child get back on track, contact us via email or call us on 01285 750206 to find out more.