Emergency Services visit to Hatherop Castle
If anyone noticed a fire engine parked near the Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday afternoon it was not due to Hatherop Castle School having a fire anywhere in its grounds but because Nursery and Reception class children received a visit by the Emergency Services to support their learning on fire safety. The children were introduced to Colin the Collie and learnt that he had hurt his paw when touching matches. To help the children understand how to be safe near matches they listened to a story about Kit and Lydia’s birthday cake before going on to learn a rhyme to help them remember how dangerous it is to touch matches.
The most exciting part of the visit was going to see the fire engine and climbing on board. Exploring the cabin and all the fire kit that is used by the fire fighters was a real treat; especially for Kindergarten who have been learning about fire engines this week as part of their transport topic. Sadly the hoses could not be turned on due to the cold weather but the children understood that water left in the hose could freeze and were happy to look in the hose compartments instead.
Finally, before saying thank you to the Emergency Service team, the children covered their ears and stood back in readiness for a blast of the very loud siren along with the blue flashing lights!