Pre-Reception – 3½ to 4½

Children join Pre-Reception in the September following their third birthday and remain in this class until the following September, when they move up to Reception which is situated in the Stable Yard with the Pre-Prep classes.

As in Toddlers, staff work closely with families in order to provide the best possible education and care for each child, building up a relationship and attending to each child’s individual needs.

The Learning Environment

Pre-Reception is housed within the walled area of the Nursery and comprises of 2 separate rooms, a cloakroom and an outdoor play area. As in Toddlers the children are all allocated a key person and a classroom which becomes their base for their time in Pre-Reception. Within each classroom there are areas for small world play, looking at books, developmental writing, jigsaws, construction, painting and collage, a theme related interest table, a maths table and many resources which support the children’s learning.

As the children develop and grow the balance between child initiated and teacher-initiated activities gradually slides towards the latter so the children are constantly progressing and being challenged within a stimulating learning environment. A topic based, experiential learning programme is delivered and through constant observation and knowledge of each child in their care the staff are able to allow for individual interests to develop.

The children follow a similar timetable to Toddlers with the addition of French with a specialist language teacher.

Transition to Reception

During the TrinityTerm, Move up Morning is organised for parents of children who are going into Reception in the following term. We recognise that the transition into full time school is a very important milestone in a child’s life and therefore take every opportunity to ensure that both the children and parents are well prepared. At this time you will have the opportunity to meet all the staff who will be teaching your children and see the classrooms and other facilities. In addition the Headmaster and key members of staff will give you a very informative insight into life as a member of Reception and the Pre-Prep.

All children in Pre-Reception are introduced to the Pre-Prep staff during the school year; The Reception teacher comes to the Nursery on a regular basis for an informal visit and chat to the children as they engage in their regular activities. During the year the children will also visit the Reception class on a regular basis and join in an activity with the Reception staff and children or another member of staff from the Stable Yard.