Hatherop Castle Prep School & Nursery

Welcome to Hatherop Castle School, a happy day and boarding school where children aged 2 to 13 years old can enjoy the adventure of childhood.

The glorious Cotswold setting, the outstanding education, and the broad and inspiring opportunities create a learning adventure all children can enjoy.

Rated Double ‘Excellent’ in Inspection

We recently celebrated an outstanding Inspection Report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate, where we were awarded the highest possible rating – Double ‘Excellent’. We were awarded this for both the ‘Quality of Pupils’ Academic and Other Achievements’ and for the ‘Quality of Pupils’ Personal Development’.

In particular we are delighted that inspectors recognised that ‘The school fully meets its aim to provide an environment in which pupils can thrive whilst enjoying the adventure of childhood

Independent schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate approximately every three years. Here are some of the highlights of this latest inspection. There is a link to the full report at the bottom of the page.

What they said about our pupils

  • Pupils exhibit skills, knowledge and understanding that are invariably advanced for their age.

  • Pupils throughout the school display consistently excellent attitudes towards school, achievement and learning.

  • Pupils’ social interaction is outstanding. They collaborate extremely well and provide each other with mutual support.

  • Pupils achieve considerable success beyond the classroom, benefiting greatly from using the excellent facilities.

  • The most able pupils and those with SEND and EAL progress rapidly, as a result of effective support and opportunities tailored to individual’s need.

What they said about learning

  • Choice is a common feature of lessons, with pupils given opportunities to select appropriate activities with suitable levels of challenge.

  • Science is just one of many areas in which the high level of resources and flexible curriculum allow and enable pupils to successfully extend their own learning.

  • English books feature accurately punctuated and imaginative writing that makes highly effective use of writing techniques such as alliteration, and powerful vocabulary.

  • The excellent ‘hobbies’ programme, including stimulating enrichment activities such as bee keeping, mindfulness and podcasting, enables pupils to hone their skills and broaden their outlook.

  • By Year 8 advanced study skills are evident, as seen in outstanding independent research projects.

What they say about the Early Years

  • Children throughout the EYFS exhibited a range of advanced fine and gross motor skills for their age.

  • Children in the EYFS demonstrate the confidence to engage with each other and participate with activities on offer.

  • From Nursery, pupils establish a secure knowledge of mathematical concepts and apply their knowledge to problem-solving opportunities.

  • Children in the EYFS display very good phonetic understanding for their age.

  • Younger pupils were just as productive when mark making on their own as they were joining others in an outdoor learning session serving tea in a ‘café’.

What they say about Boarding

  • Boarders benefit directly from opportunities they receive whilst boarding to develop both academic and a wider variety of achievements.

  • Boarders enthusiastically described how fortunate they were to be educated in a school with such beautiful surroundings.

  • Boarding staff very effectively provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which pupils thrive.

  • Boarders successfully apply their well-developed study skills to complete their homework independently during their evening prep sessions.

  • Pupils who board were keen to share how this experience helps them learn to make sensible choices, such as which activities to join, following their interests to broaden their learning and how best to plan for private study.

What they say about our Staff

  • The school’s implicit culture and sense of family that is strongly promoted by the strong leadership team and supported by the proprietor, underpins the pupils’ desire to do their best.

  • Pupils’ confidence and self-esteem develop from the warm and enthusiastic manner of leaders and staff and their highly effective use of praise.

  • Pupils’ enthusiasm is encouraged by committed staff reinforcing a productive work ethic and positive can-do approach.

  • Pupils are productive when working individually, with a partner or in a group. This is due to the excellent rapport between the staff and the pupils, where there is clear mutual respect.

  • Leaders make effective use of data to identify where individual pupils need additional guidance or challenge.

Read the full report here: Hatherop Castle School ISI Report