Activities, Academies, Excursions and Accommodation

Activities & Academies: 

If you signed up for an Academy, you must attend these sessions. 

During the Multi-Activity Programme and in the evenings, there will be lots of new sports, games and activities. Try to experience as many different things as possible! 

Prepare for Activities and Academies 

  • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. For example – if it is raining, wear a waterproof jacket and shoes. 
  • Bring water with you even if you’re doing a non-sporting activity – it is good to stay hydrated!  
  • Listen carefully and follow our staff’s instructions at all times.  


Prepare for Excursions 

  • Charge your mobile phones and cameras the day before. 
  • Take some money out of the bank the day before. 
  • Be prepared for all kinds of weather. Always take your raincoat or umbrella with you.  
  • Pick up your packed lunch before departure. 
  • Fill up and take your water bottle with you. 
  • Only bring what you need – you’ll be carrying your backpack all day. 

During Excursions 

  • Wear your seatbelt on the coach. 
  • Do not eat on the coach. 
  • Always wear your lanyard. 
  • Keep the trip phone number with you. 
  • Always stay with your group. 
  • If you get free time, stay in a group of 3 or more. 
  • Remember where the meeting point is and be on time for meetings. 
  • Be careful when crossing roads, and be aware of other people. 
  • Keep your valuables safe. 
  • Ask for help if you need to! 


Your room is your home during your stay with us, 

  • It must be tidied every day before breakfast, and you have to keep it tidy all day,  
  • Do not eat or drink (except water) in your rooms.  
  • Open your curtains in the morning (after getting dressed!)  
  • Close your curtains in the evenings (before you get undressed!)  
  • Use the litter bins provided for your rubbish.  
  • Do not move furniture in the room.  
  • Do not move beds.

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