Month: April 2018
Gifted and Talented Recital Evening
The Recital Evening gives those pupils who are on the Gifted and Talented register for music, a greater platform on which to perform.
Update from the Sports Field
Hatherop Castle has an incredibly healthy group of athletes attending lunch time practices, a variety of children attending clubs and paid extras, this term is set to be a busy one!
Gardening galore! Reception children create their own sensory garden
The children have set to work creating their own area to grow some produce, including radishes, potatoes and lettuce and more!
‘Up, up and away on Transition Airlines’
Our transition children have been learning about transport and the different ways of moving around.
Specialised Neuro Linguistic lessons at Hatherop Castle
Prep 7 & 8 started their Neuro Linguistic Programing sessions with Cadie Aspray entitled “Being The Best You Can Be”
WOW Day – Prep 1 & their Rainforest visit…
Pre Prep have had an exciting day learning all about the rainforest; about the climate, the animals who live there and the different layers that make up the vegetation.